Friday, February 21, 2014

This Week’s Reminder About Valerie Jarrett’s Agenda

This Week’s Reminder About Valerie Jarrett’s Agenda

How can I screw over America this week?
Just a friendly reminder to all good Americans out there that Rasputin in a skirt has not yet left the building.  Valerie Jarrett has been shooting her mouth off.  (Too bad she says this stuff on MSNBC.  Nobody hears it in real time.)
Val said this the last week of January:
On Tuesday, White House Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that Americans are “hungry” for Obama to take unilateral action, bypassing Congress wherever he can to get things done, CNS News reported.
“People around our country are hungry for action,” she said. “And what you’ll hear from the president tonight is going to be all about action — creating opportunity — and it’s going to be a very optimistic speech.”
According to Jarrett, Obama will “set forth very specific, concrete proposals that he thinks will move our country forward — create opportunity for hard-working Americans who want to succeed.”
Although Obama will prod Congress to act on his agenda, Jarrett said Obama “will make clear tonight that he will take action on his own,” bypassing Congress when he sees fit.
“We’re going to do what we can, within the president’s own executive power, and working throughout the country with those who want to move our country forward,” she added. “And it is a lot of potential there. And I think the optimism that the president has comes from the grit and determination of the American people, our businesses, many of who (sic) are bringing jobs back to America, so we have some momentum going, and we just need to call on everybody to work together, and that’s what the president will do this evening.”
What’s this imperial “we” crap?  And no we are not hungry for an imperial president.  We want an American one who follows AMERICAN law.  Bypassing congress isn’t American.
In the last few weeks, since the State of the Union Address when this threat was officially made by Obama, there have been quite a number of proposals and rumblings from congresscritters eager to write executive orders for him – as if he’s going to sign them.  There have even been blatantly illegal executive orders circumventing Obama’s own healthcare law that will, eventually, submarine a whole lot of Democrats at the polls.  There’s been threats to wreck the heavy truck industry under the guise of “improving fuel efficiency.”
None of this is legal.
American government was set up as it was specifically to keep imperialism FROM happening.  That Congress must be bypassed in  order to get an agenda passed either demonstrates that the agenda was rejected by enough elected lawmakers, or that the regime – including Madame Jarrett – just doesn’t want to bother having to woo those same duly elected representatives to get their agenda passed.
Talk about lazy.
And talk about dictatorial.  This is not the way government in America works.
As if that wasn’t enough, the behind the scenes queen has been yapping to Cosmo:
White House Senior adviser Valerie Jarrett wants women to get the men in their lives to sign up for Obamacare.
“We know that women also have the ability to encourage the men in their lives, whether it’s brothers, sons, husbands, friends. So women’s reach extends beyond themselves,” she explained in a special interview published in Cosmopolitan Magazine.
During the interview, Jarrett acknowledged that more women were signing up for Obamacare than men.
“That should be no surprise!” she noted. “Women are very responsible, particularly younger women.”
Jarret reminded women readers that contraception was free under the plan.
“All insurance plans are required to cover contraception without a copay — for free. Free!” she announced.
Men-women relations in the United States are unnaturally strained and magnified as it is.  And now Valerie is pushing young women who haven’t figured out that they are manipulated by the older mean girls of life to “be responsible and sign up for ObamaCare because birth control is free!  Free!”
Is the bottom line for the White House and ObamaCare proponents ALWAYS birth control?  There’s a lot more to life and health than sex.  ObamaCare is sending shockwaves through the American economy wrecking everything it touches and Val is encouraging the young women of America to lay down and let the thing steamroll them.  (Will not get into the dangers of hormonal birth control.)
Uh, Val, American men – real men, not the ones you hang out with – don’t care for nagging and the like.  In fact, one could say that the encouragement of said behavior is why so many of us girls are single.  This is going to backfire.
Yeah, we get what side Valerie Jarrett is on.
Not ours.

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