Monday, February 24, 2014

Pope to Copeland: Catholics and Charismatics must spiritually unite

Pope to Copeland: Catholics and Charismatics must spiritually unite

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We are galloping toward a one-world melding of religions, and the ramifications are staggering. Pope Francis has now sent a video message to Word of Faith father Kenneth Copeland, urging a reconciliation between Catholics and Charismatics.
“The Catholic and Charismatic Renewal is the hope of the Church,” exclaims Anglican Episcopal Bishop Tony Palmer, before a group of cheering followers at the Kenneth Copeland Ministries.   Palmer said those words are from the Vatican. Before playing the video message from Pope Francis to Kenneth Copeland, Palmer told the crowd,  “When my wife saw that she could be Catholic, and Charismatic, and Evangelical, and Pentecostal, and it was absolutely accepted in the Catholic Church, she said that she would like to reconnect her roots with the Catholic culture. So she did.”
The crowd cheered, as he continued, “Brothers and sisters, Luther’s protest is over. Is yours?”
Even Kenneth Copeland finds this development incredible: Said Copeland, “Heaven is thrilled over this…You know what is so thrilling to me? When we went into the ministry 47 years ago, this was impossible.”
How can this impossibility be? Could the ears of those once aware of the evils of ecumenicism suddenly be sealing shut? What is even more gobsmackingly painful is the reaction from evangelicals, who seem quite thrilled with this unholy alliance.
Here is the longer version of what Copeland and Palmer said. Note that at about 40 minutes in, Copeland and the congregants join in prayer for the “Holy Father,” then watch as Anthony Palmer videotapes a return message to Pope Francis from Kenneth Copeland himself.

Here is just the Pope’s message, at about 30 minutes in:

Here is the transcript:
“Two rules: Love God above all, and love the other (neighbor), because he is your brother and sister. With these two rules we can go ahead. I am here with my brother, my bishop brother, Tony Palmer. We’ve been friends for years.
He told me about your conference, about your meeting. And it’s my pleasure to greet you. A greeting both joyful and nostalgic (yearning). Joyful because it gives me joy that you have come together to worship Jesus Christ the only Lord. And to pray to the Father and to receive the Holy Spirit. This brings me joy because we can see that God is working all over the world. Nostalgic (yearning) because but…it happens, as within our suburbs. In the suburbs there are families that love each other and families that don’t love each other. Families that come together and families who separate themselves. We are kind of…permit me to say, separated.
Separated because, it’s sin that has separated us, all our sins. The misunderstandings throughout history. It has been a long road of sins that we all shared in. Who is to blame? We all share the blame. We have all sinned. There is only one blameless, the Lord. I am nostalgic (yearning), that this separation comes to an end and gives us communion. I am nostalgic (yearning), of that embrace that the Holy Scripture speaks of when Joseph’s brothers began to starve from hunger, they went to Egypt, to buy, so that they could eat.
They went to buy. They had money. But they couldn’t eat the money. But there they found something more than food, they found their brother. All of us have currency. The currency of our culture. The currency of our history. We have lot of cultural riches, and religious riches. And we have diverse traditions. But we have to encounter one another as brothers. We must cry together like Joseph did. These tears will unite us. The tears of love.
I am speaking to you as a brother. I speak to you in a simple way. With joy and nostalgia (yearning). Let us allow our nostalgia (yearning) to grow, because this will propel us to find each other, to embrace one another. And together to worship Jesus Christ as the only Lord of History.
I thank you profoundly for listening to me. I thank you profoundly for allowing me to speak the language of the heart. And I also ask you a favor. Please pray for me, because I need your prayers. And I will pray for you, I will do it, but I need your prayers. And let us pray to the Lord that He unites us all. Come on, we are brothers. Let’s give each other a spiritual hug and let God complete the work that he has begun. And this is a miracle; the miracle of unity has begun.
A famous Italian author named Manzoni, once wrote in his novel, of a simle man amongst the people, who once said this, “I’ve never seen God begin a miracle without Him finishing it well.” He will complete this miracle of unity. I ask you to bless me, and I bless you. From brother to brother, I embrace you. Thank you.”
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63 Responses to “Pope to Copeland: Catholics and Charismatics must spiritually unite”

  1. Elizabeth #
    When he says the word nostalgia I'm thinking its his way of not saying tradition.
    February 21, 2014 at 5:03 PM Reply
  2. Very scary
    February 21, 2014 at 5:15 PM Reply
    • Dedra Galyon #
      I agree, slimjim!
      February 21, 2014 at 9:17 PM Reply
  3. What if Pope Francis and Tony Palmer took a deep and cogent look at .
    What do you suppose would happen?
    February 21, 2014 at 5:40 PM Reply
  4. Bev #
    Don't join forces with the Catholic church if they don't renounce their heresies. We can be in agreement with those who repent and turn from their wicked ways. I wonder how this video made the people there feel. The one's who got saved and God called them out of the Catholic church. Now they are in confusion.
    February 21, 2014 at 6:30 PM Reply
    February 21, 2014 at 7:08 PM Reply
  6. Dedra Galyon #
    The Lutheran body that signed that accord were the apostate ELCA who ordain practicing homosexuals and take women to Planned Parenthood for abortions..What do they know of Scriptural truth or doctrine…Nothing. I am Lutheran but of the conservative body, LCMS, and we do not allow the ELCA to partake of the Eucharist in our churches due to their apostasy. Luther's Reformation is not over as the Catholics preach another Gospel. Luther was correct, " The Doctrine of Justification is the doctrine by which the Reformation stands or falls."
    February 21, 2014 at 8:28 PM Reply
  7. Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven saying, "Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.
    February 21, 2014 at 9:00 PM Reply
  8. onlyJesus #
    Yes Right! In tha case why didn't he say something about idol worshipping???????
    February 21, 2014 at 10:24 PM Reply
    • surita #
      and who WORSHIPS idols ? you have a different DICTIONARY as well as edited scriptures ?
      February 23, 2014 at 11:57 PM Reply
  9. bbvmck #
    There isn't a fish in the sea that would bite the hook without some kind of bait on it. Kenneth Copeland will be flopping around in the bottom of the pope's boat if he's not careful.
    February 22, 2014 at 2:27 AM Reply
  10. eliteconcurrency #
    Complete what work?
    Jesus Christ of Nazareth has already accomplished and finished the work!! Jn17:4/Jn19:30
    Repentance toward the Father and faith in Christ Jesus for the forgiveness of sins: for "He died for our sins in accordance with scripture. He was buried and rose again three days later in accordance with scripture." ~this is the entire gospel that if believed, and not in vain, that is saving us. 1Cor15:1-5
    If any other gospel is preached by man or by an angel may they be accursed to hell. Gal1:6-10
    February 22, 2014 at 8:16 AM Reply
  11. Chris Cousine #
    The Catholics and Charismatics deserve one another. Congratulations to both!
    February 22, 2014 at 1:39 PM Reply
    • Sam #
      Didn't charismatics come from the catholic church? But he did say protestants and totally trashed Luther and totally said they were no longer protestant but were now catholic. Sounds like some kind of satanic ritual may have taken place to me.
      February 23, 2014 at 12:07 AM Reply
  12. Jenny #
    Where was the interpreter? He could of been praying to satan for all we know.
    Matthew 7:13-16…Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction and many are those who enter by it. For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it. Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheepskin clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruit…….
    February 22, 2014 at 2:23 PM Reply
  13. David Donatus Magnus #
    A friend of mine commented, "this may be one of the more significant developments in the last 50 years. Prosperity Gospel + Catholicism = emotionally validated false gospel that will be almost instantly absorbed by 20% of planet earth and will receive almost unlimited financial backing." Then I stated, "THIS is a classic Jesuit tactic. "Pseudoecumenism" is what I have heard it called. The Papists use this tactic to gain control over a large portion of professing believers. Until the Pope proclaims "unity" "ex cathedra", then this is just a simple ploy for the simple-minded Charismatics, who will probably take the bait…"
    February 22, 2014 at 5:23 PM Reply
  14. Ian Jackson #
    " I appeal to you, brothers and sisters,[a] in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought. 11 My brothers and sisters, some from Chloe’s household have informed me that there are quarrels among you. What I mean is this: One of you says, “I follow Paul”; another, “I follow Apollos”; another, “I follow Cephas”; still another, “I follow Christ.”
    Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptized in the name of Paul? I thank God that I did not baptize any of you except Crispus and Gaius, so no one can say that you were baptized in my name. (Yes, I also baptized the household of Stephanas; beyond that, I don’t remember if I baptized anyone else.) For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel—not with wisdom and eloquence, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power."
    The Church needs to be whole. This means that every tradition, every lie, and and every grievance needs to be addressed. EVERY SINGLE "branch" of christianity has it's issues. The solution is not condemnation, judgment, or separation. Jesus and later John said that issues need to be addressed within the body. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. There was absolutely nothing passed on by Christ or his followers saying splitting the church would ever be okay. Paul explicitly said otherwise several times.
    Luther pointed out issues, but the mistake made was not fighting to fix those within the body. One of the greatest triumphs of the devil is that the body can't agree on where its' hands and feet are supposed to go, or what it's mouth is supposed to say.
    February 22, 2014 at 5:53 PM Reply
  15. d.gowers #
    As if we actually needed any more proof than we already have…This unholy alliance between two heretical movements just demonstrates that Copeland is a false prophet of the most dangerous kind. He will make an ally of anyone who he thinks will give him any credibility. Little does he realize that it's actually having the opposite effect. Mind you, gaining the dubious favour of the Pope will endorse his word of faith trash as roman catholics get caught in his web of deceit. Oh well, why should only the protestants get ripped off!!
    February 22, 2014 at 11:24 PM Reply
  16. Jim #
    You are not a Catholic you go to hell but if you bring your ability to gain wealth we can make a deal.
    February 23, 2014 at 4:30 AM Reply
  17. J H #
    2 Corinthians 6:14
    February 23, 2014 at 7:44 AM Reply
  18. JohnH #
    This is stunning. This is one of the most significant signs of the end times I have seen to day.
    February 23, 2014 at 9:17 AM Reply
  19. Faith Matters #
    This is the dream I had in early 2001 where Copeland was an officer in the Roman army. In that dream he killed any who would speak the truth. His eyes were the most evil I have ever seen as he silenced any and all speaking against what he was doing.
    I stand amazed at God's Word.
    February 23, 2014 at 9:42 AM Reply
  20. Cjp #
    One. More. Step
    February 23, 2014 at 9:43 AM Reply
  21. As long as we don't have to compromise the Word of God, I am all for Unity. Neither of us is pure and spotless. Love GOD/Love neighbor. The testimony of GOD, and the testimony of Jesus. These are the 2 witnesses of Revelation 11. Unity is good if we can embrace Rev. 20:4 and can have pure hearts to come back to rule and reign together with Christ for 1000 years/first resurrection. Nevertheless, Charismatics should not embrace Chrislam, Universalism, evolutionism or false worship of interdimensional beings/demons. Jesuit and Masonic traditions cannot stand against the Will of Christ and the double-edge sword of His Holy Word. "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. Rev 12:11." Please support the upcoming 40 Days for Life event in your community and "love your neighbor."
    February 23, 2014 at 9:47 AM Reply
  22. Joel #
    SHOCKING…especially the comment: “Brothers and sisters, Luther’s protest is over. Is yours?”
    Simply detestable.
    February 23, 2014 at 9:51 AM Reply
  23. sk #
    I just recently read a booklet by Howard Pittman called ‘Dreams, God’s Chosen Method of Communication’. One of his dreams went this way…his fourth dream described..he was walking down a cobblestone street with little cottages on both sides of the street. He would greet other people who all had English accents. At the end of the street on the right was his house. His family who he had never met before but knew they were his family greeted him. After chatting a bit he excused himself to go feed and play with his dog. In the backyard was a giant Collie dog who was glad to see him and placed his giant paws on his shoulders. His family came out to watch in a row. Suddenly the gate opened and a man without a face who he knew was his father came in. He started to greet his father when his Collie dog attacked his father. He started to help his father when he realized that his family was cheering on the dog attack. He was ‘terrified at this conduct and momentarily froze’.
    Interpretation: ‘This is the Christian church in the English speaking world. The Collie dog represents the majority of the pastors in today’s Church. The faceless man is Father God. The family represents the average Church congregation. The pastor (giant Collie) did not even recognize God. The pastor saw God as an enemy and the congregation, who had their attention fixed on the pastor, cheered him on in his attack, not even recognizing he was attacking God, as so many do by changing God’s Word to say something he did not mean it to say.’
    In the same way that the religious Jewish leaders 2000 years ago did not recognize Jesus as the Son of God when he arrived. So too, the majority of the religious Christian leaders today may not recognize God if He were to show up again.
    February 23, 2014 at 10:07 AM Reply
  24. K M #
    It appears as though the devil wants to be one step ahead of what God is going to do. It's not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord. It will be God's doing- like a mighty rushing wind on Pentecost.
    Malachi 3:18
    Then once more you shall see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve him.
    February 23, 2014 at 10:24 AM Reply
  25. Xississ #
    These people have been warned about Copeland for years and wouldn't listen. Now they're cheering their own demise. The truth about Bergoglio and the Jesuits is widely available. They only have themselves to blame.
    February 23, 2014 at 12:36 PM Reply
  26. maxine pruitt #
    haah we just watched a video about this one world movement not surprised which preachers join in see gary kah video on u tube. its very good
    February 23, 2014 at 12:44 PM Reply
  27. Here it comes, the one world religion, false. Get ready for Revelation 4:1…yes I am speaking to the true Church!
    February 23, 2014 at 12:47 PM Reply
  28. Phoebe #
    It is a fulfillment of prophecy for a great apostasy and one world religion. Please wake up people. Can we be silent about all sins of Vatican in the past- their blood guild of Saints and Jews and even recent inquisitions they are running? Do some research! Look at their pedophile troubles! Read some books on vatican history! What do Christians have to do with this apostate Church? Wake up! Look at their alliance with Islamists! Look at their pagan practices, unchristian doctrines. Look at their hierarchical organization, their wealth. We are all one in Christ! We don't need pope and his minions dressed in red and purple… This is the whore of revelation people. Wake up.
    February 23, 2014 at 12:51 PM Reply
  29. tlc #
    The Unifying of all Religions= Babylon
    (and u know what the book of Revelations says about that one !)
    February 23, 2014 at 1:21 PM Reply
  30. tlc #
    The unifying of all faiths happening right before our eyes. Babylon. In Revelations it even says scarlet and purple
    And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication. Rev.17:4
    February 23, 2014 at 1:26 PM Reply
  31. Andrew Cote #
    "That we all may be one".
    Jesus Christ
    What better authority is there to decide thee matter?
    February 23, 2014 at 1:30 PM Reply
  32. Janet #
    To Chris C. you ain't kidding!
    February 23, 2014 at 2:13 PM Reply
  33. jtmiller #
    one world religion around the corner!! ask the father to open your eyes!
    February 23, 2014 at 2:27 PM Reply
  34. Tammy #
    I am surprised and yet not by Kenneth Copeland jumping on the band wagon of all this (one world) stuff. Surprised because he knows the Word of God so well, but not surprised because of where he stands on certain issues and what verses in the Bible really mean as opposed to what he believes them to mean. May God reopen his eyes to the true truth before it is too late.
    February 23, 2014 at 2:28 PM Reply
  35. If this is not the fulfillment of 2 Timothy 4:3 (unsound doctrine and itching ears), I don't know what is.
    February 23, 2014 at 2:48 PM Reply
  36. hbrwgnt #
    The protestant church, already has more or less, embraced the mother church, by observing Christ mass(Christmas),Easter,St. Valentines Day, St. Patrick's Day, etc… The R.C.C. SAY, "The MARK of our authority on earth is we are able to change the law of GOD and create holidays"
    February 23, 2014 at 3:18 PM Reply
  37. Thonni #
    Currently we are seeing a modern face of the spirit of the false Prophet through the growing counterfeit movement of reconciliation. Reconciling the hearts of the sons to the fathers and the fathers to the sons can only happen through Jesus while stably standing on the whole Word (Malachi 4:6). For Jesus holds all things together, and He is the only Head of the body, the Church (Colossians 1:15-20). If we try to reconcile (unite) other beliefs that are in contradiction to the Word and where the Head (Jesus) becomes a physical one, then we have opened up our doors for the spirit of the false Prophet. A spirit that prepares the way for Antichrist and legalizes and promotes the false way of Babylon the Great (Revelations 17 and 18). For there can only be one Head and one Way, and His name is Jesus Christ. (Isaiah 40:3, Malachi 3:1, Matthew 3:3, John 14:6).
    February 23, 2014 at 3:38 PM Reply
  38. Nancy #
    Did the Pope send a video to the Protestants in Ireland?
    February 23, 2014 at 3:53 PM Reply
  39. Steven Gilkey #
    We should all hope for the unity of Christians.
    No debate there.
    However, "Christian" doesn't mean "everybody".
    Some people are not Christian.
    Atheists, for example. By declaring themselves "atheist",
    they judge themselves as "not Christian".
    Given what the Bible says about homosexuality,
    it SHOULD be clear that any self-declared homosexual
    is "not Christian".
    However, the Pope stated on July 29th, 2013, concerning
    the homosexuals and the church:
    "Who am I to judge?"
    The first thing I was reminded of was 1 Corinthians 5:1 to 1 Corinthians 6:11.
    This Scripture speaks directly to a particular case of a person committing
    sexual sin, and what should be done. (Verse 5:11 is the basis for the doctrine
    of excommunication, with which the Pope should surely be very familiar.)
    Due in large part to the failure of the church at Corinth to correctly deal with
    the sin in its midst, Paul is inspired to write concerning the responsibility
    of the church to JUDGE its members. One verse seems especially
    relevant here:
    1 Corinthians 6:5
    "I speak to your shame. Can it be, that there is not a wise man among you?
    No? Not one that will be able to judge between his brothers?"
    Who does the Pope have to be in order to judge self-proclaimed sinners?
    I do yearn for the unity of the church.
    But I will not accept unity with people who have openly rejected Christ.
    Jesus Himself said:
    "For every idle word that people will speak,
    they will give an account in the Day of Judgment.
    For by your words you will be justified,
    or by your words you will be condemned."–Matthew 12:36-37
    The Pope doesn't need to judge self-proclaimed homosexuals,
    or atheists–they judge themselves. And the Pope should say so.
    February 23, 2014 at 4:35 PM Reply
  40. hedgehopper #
    How arrogant to say that the Catholics and Charismatics "deserve each other". Your intent is that neither is good for the Body of Christ. I have seen error and excess in every denomination
    February 23, 2014 at 5:14 PM Reply
  41. A servant #
    perhaps some history…Dec 12, 1984 Pope John Paul declared he was god in front of millions..or perhaps someone needs to ask why the Vatican why it has an infrared camera on a telescope called "The Lucifer Device"..or perhaps the Spanish Inquisition where Christopher Columbus and his fellow brothers and sisters in Christ were forced to flee Roman Catholic persecution..for it is written.."seek the truth and the truth shall make you free" John 8:32..the catholics ask for forgiveness in a booth and confess their sin to a man in that is written, God has said, "their is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." Tim is written, "NOT ALL WHO SAY LORD LORD WILL ENTER THE GATES OF HEAVEN" is written, "let no man deceive you with vain words"..DO NOT LET ANY MAN TELL YOU THAT YOUR SINS CAN BE FORGIVEN BY SITTING IN FRONT OF A MAN AND HAVING THAT MAN TELL YOU YOUR FORGIVEN, REMOVING CHIRST AND PLACING HIS SELF ABOVE GOD!!
    February 23, 2014 at 5:49 PM Reply
  42. guest #
    Unity. One world unity. One world religion. How sweet. Maybe the one who calls himself the holy father but isn't, since there's only one real holy Father, you know, the one who created heaven and earth, [( let the pope try that one) - btw, lucifer tried to declare the same before being cast out of heaven,] ought to school himself (little "h") on what the bible says about the end of days.
    February 23, 2014 at 6:18 PM Reply
  43. jaime ballares #
    I don't think that's possible because a true follower of Christ cannot condone the abominations and traditions which the Catholic church has been practicing since it's inception.Traditions which are unbiblical.
    February 23, 2014 at 6:39 PM Reply
  44. C. Moree #
    there it is folfs the blind leading the blind i can't think of a better couple, big dumby and little dumby. The number 1 false prophet in the world, the number 1 false prophet in america. GOD help us when these two idiots get together. LORD JESUS COME QUICKLY,AMAN
    February 23, 2014 at 7:11 PM Reply
  45. Pat #
    There is a true and false ecumenism and I realize that many Protestants are fearful and thus reject everything. Christ wills us to be one and for His sake we must strive to be open to the Holy Spirit. I read his text, there is nothing that stands out as a buzz word or term for a watering down of the truth.
    One thing i know is that if a Protestant really wants the truth as to what Catholics really believe, he should read the Early church Fathers and get a copy of the Catechism. This constant drumbeat of misinformed lines like Catholics and tradition Catholics and idol worship is just that totally MISINFORMED. If I was taught what Protestants were taught about the Catholic faith, I too would hate them and consider them idol worshipers and pagans!!! The problem is that is not what they believe or are taught. i am tired of the lies thrown in my face and accusations made on totally false assumptions. I would have a greater respect for a Protestant if they would disagree on matters of the true teachings of the Catholic Church than the propaganda that has been fed to them by their brethren.
    Having said that I have great respect for many of my Protestant brethren, and I strive always to understand where they are coming from, i wish that they would at least have the respect to do the same instead of hurling stones and accusations that have no basis in fact just emotionalism and fear and slander.
    God's Will, will be done with or without us.
    February 23, 2014 at 7:25 PM Reply
  46. Serene #
    The Pope speaks of unity with Charismatics…. hmmm. What does he have to say about beheading Christians in the name of Islam or in killing sick babies? Interesting where he sees sin and where he doesn't notice.
    February 23, 2014 at 7:35 PM Reply
  47. IOK #
    Kenneth Copeland is a notorious apostate. "If you are lukewarm, I will spit you out."
    February 23, 2014 at 8:08 PM Reply
  48. Guest #
    Doesn't The Pope realize Kenneth Copeland is a TV Evangelist ?? The Pope, by reaching out, is giving Copeland "authenticity" ~ some kind of Seal of Approval ! ! Good Grief !
    February 23, 2014 at 8:39 PM Reply
  49. Albert Rolon #
    Both the Catholic faith and the Protestant faith have a common denominator in their roots. They preach Christ following the Liturgy. This teaching came from the magisterial teachings , the church and the bible; but wait ; did this doctrine that we follow today as Christians substitutes the true Word of God ? Look at 40 days preparations advent , easter and then christmas . All pagan rituals . What happened to the feasts that God established even before the Law ? I still believe that Jesus is the Messiah and that His Word is forever True and is not subject to the cannon but goes beyond into the perfect understating through His Holy Spirit . Be careful with unequal yokes.
    February 23, 2014 at 8:56 PM Reply
  50. 007church #
    It's one thing for Tony Palmer to suggest that the "Protest" is over, in other words "we are now all Catholics", however, simply signing documents suggesting that we agree on the doctrine of Salvation by Grace and Justification by Faith does little to change what proceeds from the Roman church to the pews. Talk is cheap, and the desire to set aside differences so we can feel good is not really the bottom line in our experience as God's children. When the Romanists literally distance themselves from two thousand years of religious and pagan traditions and bring men to the pulpit who actually have experienced the New Birth and also proclaim it to the congregation – then we will have something to embrace together. Again, talk is cheap. Is this not the same pope who claims he will not judge those who practice sodomy? It may be that he will not judge sin either – that will go well with our new age brothers and all who emulate positive thinking as the epitome of spiritual maturity.
    February 23, 2014 at 9:01 PM Reply
  51. 1 Tim 3:15
    2 Thess 2:15
    Jas 2:24
    Mt 7:21
    February 23, 2014 at 9:30 PM Reply
  52. Melissa #
    Can't everyone see what this is? Do you not know that Kenneth Copeland is a sellout to the Lord?! Do you not know that the Catholic church is not a church of GOD but of Satan himself? This is the beginning of one world religion. Wake up people! This is your one way ticket to hell. This is all part of the great deception! Research all of this on your own and pray about it all…I am telling you the truth! I have a relationship with Jesus Christ. I will never bow to the virgin Mary. Turn the statute of her upside down and see what secrets they are hiding. Go to be4thefire ministry and see all the in your face facts. There is no denying the TRUTH. You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Don't take my word for it…go see for yourself. The Lord bless and keep every child of GOD and give us all eyes to see and ears to hear. Do you really want to take a chance on your eternity? Eternity, separated from GOD with no hope, being tortured for forever. It's for forever and there are no second chances. Love to you all in Jesus <3
    February 23, 2014 at 10:08 PM Reply
  53. SCB #
    Mohammed's wife was a very, very rich Catholic… The merger of all world religions is almost done… So many Biblical prophecy's are aligning right now… Even so come Lord Jesus.
    February 24, 2014 at 12:33 AM Reply
  54. hbrwgnt # Most protestants do not realize, that, they are already, "MARKED", in bed with the Catholic Church, by, worshiping on Sunday,and observing its' holidays!
    February 24, 2014 at 5:27 AM Reply
  55. hbrwgnt #
    The bible, is clear on how we know, we love GOD,and one another, 1 JOHN 5:2, REV 14:12
    February 24, 2014 at 5:37 AM Reply
  56. Richard #
    lets be careful throwing around the word Unity. before we can surmise who believers should be yoked with we need to know their beliefs. there are core beliefs that every true christian agrees with. some of them include Jesus was God, The Trinity and saved by faith not works. if we hold to the core values than everything else is noise. this can at times be difficult because there are believers that attend heretical churches. barring that the catholic church does not agree with the core beliefs therefore we should not be in "Unity" with them, it's that simple.
    February 24, 2014 at 8:43 AM Reply
  57. Richard #
    Justin Peters has an excellent video he did on the prosperity/word of faith movement called Clouds Without Water i highly recommend it to educate yourself and to give to others who are involved in this movement and may be questioning what's going on. this is what happened with a person The Lord put in my path and once she watched the video her eyes were wide open and she left the prosperity church she was attending and is growing in The Lord like you wouldn't believe.
    February 24, 2014 at 8:48 AM Reply
  58. Mikosch #
    The Seat of Satan is in the Vatican. Total takeover by Satanists is inevitable. I would not be joining with the Vatican now or ever!
    February 24, 2014 at 9:39 AM Reply
  59. P.K. #
    Please open your eyes! The Catholic Church is an Abomination. The "Body of Christ" is the true church, all true believers make up the church, not an organization. Following a church does not provide salvation – Only Jesus offers salvation to those who repent and believe on his name. Even Mary called Jesus her Savior! The Pope is not infallible – Only Jesus is!! It's time to wake up. The Catholics are wrong on so much of their teachings and doctrine. If you read the Word of God you would know this. There is no Mass-Eucharist in the Bible – Jesus died Once For All, It is Finished, Paid in Full. If you don't believe what Jesus said you are being deceived. Jesus said to read the scriptures and he will provide understanding, knowledge, wisdom and DISCERNMENT.
    February 24, 2014 at 10:19 AM Reply
  60. Paul T. Leslie #
    Sounds like a call to constitute an apostate church – the Great Whore.
    February 24, 2014 at 3:22 PM Reply

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